TRex Steak


Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 1

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

bge, egg, steak, beef, veal

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pick steaks that are at least an inch and a quarter thick... preferably 2
inches. bring to room temp.

rubbed them liberally with salt
then rubbed liberally with pepper
then smeared lightly with dijon mustard
then a light coat of olive oil and let set for 5 minutes

Don't be afraid to salt, much comes off on the grill

Bring egg as high as you can ..... pic was done at 550... I was having
problems bringing it up

Grill for a short period of time... Idea is to sear the steak, and maybe
develop a crust. time on the grill is only 60 to 90 seconds per side

Then, very important, take off the grill and let sit for 20 minutes...

While steaks rest, bring grill down to 400. After 20 minutes return
steaks to the grill. for the 1.25 inch steaks in the pic, I did 3 minutes
per side....

Let rest another few minutes and serve :)

1 comments: (You must be logged in to leave a comment.)
Warren said,
about 18 years ago
TRex Steak

Best damn steak you'll ever eat :)

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