RecipesOnRails makes it easy for you to find, share, and manage your recipes online.
RecipesOnRails makes it easy for you to find, share, and manage your recipes online.
As you add ingredients, RoR will attempt to find your ingredient from our existing list of ingredients. Please select your ingredient from the list. This enables us to standardize the list and provide accurate conversions. If your ingredient isn't in the list, you can still add it and it will be marked as unverified. We will attempt to research all unverified ingredients and add the proper conversion factors. Once that is done, we will mark the ingredient as verified.
If you have visited before, you'll notice some changes. It's been many years since we launched RoR and a refresh has been overdue. We hope to add some new features such as comments and suggestions to ingredients, as well as where to buy them. We're thinking about an equipment page where we can discuss brands, prices, and where to purchase them. Lastly, we hope to add personal comments that will only be available to you and will appear inline with the instructions.
If you should have other suggestions or features you'd like to see added, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Warren said, 26 days ago |
Warren said, 6 months ago Sweet and Sour Bread Use a probe to make sure dough temp doesn't > 200. The rolls get rather dense at hight temperatures. These rolls do not brown at this temperature, but rest assured they're cooked. |
Warren said, 8 months ago |
Warren said, over 1 year ago Bocci's Bread - Sourdough raised to 400 g of flour today. Also, expect about 3 hours or more to properly raise. |
Warren said, almost 2 years ago Hamburger Rolls - Seeded A double batch @ 100g each makes 14 hotdog rolls and 7 hamburger rolls. Used the 18” Rofco trays, one for the 14 hotdog rolls and another for the hamburger rolls. |
Was reindeer bread this year. 900G was perfect for the smaller loaf pans