Irish Soda Bread


Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 1

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

bread, quick

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9/10poundsFlour, All Purpose
1 1/2teaspoonSalt
1 1/4teaspoonBaking Powder
1/2teaspoonBaking Soda
1tablespoonCaraway Seeds
3/16poundButtermilk Powder



Mix everything together, and bake in well greased cast iron frying pan at 400ᅢテ¬タレᅢツᅡᄚF for 20 minutes and then 350ᅢテ¬タレᅢツᅡᄚF for 25 minutes.

Yields 2.85 pounds of batter

1 comments: (You must be logged in to leave a comment.)
Warren said,
over 18 years ago
Irish Soda Bread

This is really a favorite of anyone who tries it. I did some experimenting with flour types, since it is very similar to a muffin recipe. I tried all purpose, pastry flour, and a 50/50 mix of both. The mix was the favorite. Also, the original recipe called for real buttermilk, but I rarely have that on hand, so I substituted buttermilk powder. Like I said, everyone who tries this bread comes back for more, so the powder seems to be working fine.
I toasted the caraway seeds before adding them to bring out their flavor.
Lastly, I've used sweet dried cherries instead of the raisins to great raves :)

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