Stuffed Peppers


Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 6

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

Author: allRecipes

main, beef

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6eachPeppers, RedTop cut off and seeded
1cupStock, Beef
1/2eachOnionThinly sliced
2 1/2cupsTomato Saucechunky
1 1/2cupsGround Chuck
1 1/2cupsRice, Cooked
1/2cupCheese, Grated Parmesan
1/4cupParsley, Coarsely Chopped
1/2cupTomato Saucechunky
1tablespoonParsley, Coarsely Chopped
1/2teaspoonBlack Pepper, Ground



The pan sauce can be reduced a bit before serving.


Preheat oven to 375


Mix the 2.5 cup sauce and beef broth in a baking dish. Sprinkle onions over top.


Combine the beef, rice, cheese, parsley, 2nd sauce, garlic, salt, and pepper.


Poke a few drainage holes in each pepper and stuff with meat combination. NOTE: slicing a thin slice off the bottom of the pepper may help them stand. Place the peppers in the baking dish with the sauce. Tightly cover with tin foil and place in oven about 1 hour. Remove foil and continue to bake until meat is done and peppers tender. Baste with pan sauce from time to time after removing the foil.

1 comments: (You must be logged in to leave a comment.)
Warren said,
over 4 years ago
Stuffed Peppers

Some people like to use some of the tomato sauce to top the peppers before baking. If you do so, be sure to put some parchment paper on top of the peppers before the tin foil or the acid in the sauce may dissolve the foil.

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